
I'm Jay

I'm a wildlife and nature photographer...

My journey into photography was not a path I envisioned from the start. Growing up, I was more of an athlete than an artist, yet I often found myself the unofficial chronicler of my social circle, recording memories with ceaseless enthusiasm. It wasn't until my sophomore year in college, when I was gifted my first DSLR, that the seed of a greater aspiration was planted. Quietly, between classes and training, I'd find solace in capturing the beauty of the mundane, using my camera as a conduit for meditation and reprieve.

But it was during an archaeological field school in 2010 that the earth beneath me shifted. Amidst the grandeur of the outdoors, as I documented the silent stories of cave dwellings and ancient artifacts, a calling stirred within me, whispering of a potential path intertwining passion and profession.

As my college education drew to a close in 2012, armed with a professional full-frame DSLR, I set out on a road trip that would redefine my vision. I wandered through the heart of the wild, from the grand vistas of the Grand Tetons to the untamed beauty of Yellowstone. Yet, upon returning home, a sense of disappointment washed over me. The images I brought back failed to encapsulate the fervor of my experiences.

So began the self-imposed quest to master the language of light, color, and composition. My objective was clear: to transcend mere documentation and evoke the profound emotions that these sacred places stirred in me. 

This determination opened another door, one that led me to a profound dedication to wildlife conservation. As I ventured further into the hidden corners of the US and beyond, my photography became a key to unlock a deeper understanding of the creatures that inhabit our planet. Intrigued by their behaviors, I eventually became an ambassador of sorts, striving to educate and inspire others about the significance of protecting these species and their habitats.

My background in anthropology – an exploration of different cultures, beliefs, and human interactions – provided a unique foundation for my work. It taught me to observe, to understand, and to capture the essence of these subjects through a compassionate and informed perspective. Today, I harness this anthropological insight as a powerful lens, refining my focus on what truly matters – creating documentaries and images that hopefully kindle a fire in the hearts of viewers to cherish and protect our planet and all its denizens.

I invite you to journey with me through the stories shared on my blog. For every photograph I take is a commitment – a promise to bear witness, to tell the untold, and to celebrate this extraordinary spinning sphere of life we call Earth.

Pushing into the Cinema World

As a storyteller deeply rooted in my Adai Caddo tribal lineage for which I am proudly enrolled, I weave the rich threads of my ancestry through every aspect of my work. My cultural identity does not merely accompany me; it pulses through the heart of each photograph I capture and every frame of video I record. Driven by a profound connection to my heritage, I embraced the challenge of creating documentaries through an anthropological perspective.

In addressing the daunting obstacles posed by conservation, it is imperative to turn the lens inward and self-reflect. When we immerse ourselves in unfamiliar cultures or lands, it is paramount to not just comprehend our own biases and foundations but also to approach the myriad nuances of these cultures with the utmost respect. It's through this approach that we can forge significant and positive transformations across the globe.

This ethos is the cornerstone of "Project Anthro," my pioneering documentary initiative. With its inception, I have had the privilege of collaborating with exceptional teams, launching successful fieldwork projects in Norway and Australia in the latter half of 2022. These endeavors mark the beginning of a journey to tell stories that resonate, educate, and inspire across borders and societies.

Creating powerful content

for brands.

Having acquired profound experience with both photographic and cinema cameras, my expertise in marketing and anthropology has enabled me to spotlight eco-friendly brands and businesses. I delight in creating content and crafting narratives for businesses of all sizes that are committed to giving back and preserving wildlife and the environment.